Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tour of California 2011

The good thing about a blog is that you can pick and choose what parts of your life you want to highlight and share. Martin took great pictures, which dipict the fun parts of our vacation and leave out Maddy being terrible 2.5! We all enjoyed the Monterey Bay Equatium and the Dennis the Menace Park, as well as the swimming pools. Although Caedon did ask, "How come adults don't like to swim as much as kids?" as we were trying to get them out of the pool to go to dinner. So let us forget the screaming for milk in the car, let us forget that when we finally pulled over to get milk she had no interest in it. Let us forget that Maddy wanted to explore every public restroom along the California Coast and decided that she was potty trained only to return home to cleaner bathrooms and revert back to going in her diaper. Instead we will remember the cute sea otters, penquins and rays, our real-life tide pool adventure and the Tour of California!

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