Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend in Reno

Boo Hoo no sunshine for us to enjoy our season tickets to the Aces. At least  Caedon and Maddy got free jerseys and long sleeve T-shirts. We stayed until it started hailing on us. Not exactly the Memorial Day sunny picture you would imagine.

In case you is a picture of Maddy last Memorial Day Weekend.

Here is a picture of Yater doing his water treadmill physical therapy after hurting his knee playing with another dog (don't ask!)

Here is a picture of Yater one year ago (the day we got him), two leg surgeries ago:

1 comment:

  1. What a difference a year makes. The water therapy is cracking me up (but not you I'm sure). My dad just had his knee replaced...they should hang out. The therapy looks strikingly similar...
