Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Fun

Maddy playing dress-up

Maddy and Jenna at the beginning of the summer at baseball

Maddy got married- sorry you missed the wedding


The only time Caedon has not been dressed in sports attire

Some day Maddy's feet will be bigger than mine

We have been taking Yater for walks every night. Maddy likes to dress up to ride her stider bikr.

Self portrait of Caedon

My response to "I'm bored" - Clean the grout in the kitchen

Yater providing support

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Trip to Idaho

We were so excited about Lindsey's new college that we went to Boise with her for her orientation. We stopped in Sun Valley on the way. We had a wonderful time in Sun Valley and Boise. Unfotunately, we were stopped by the fires on our way home. We went through Burns and Lakeview Oregon.  It was soo remote there was no cell service..a little scary, but we made it home safely.

Snake River- Twin Falls Idaho

Twin Falls

Sun Valley- Can you imagine the drive in this wagon??

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Riding the Gondola

View from the top

Stacy, Tracy and I went for a hike

Maddy, Lauren and Linds played games at the lodge

Martin, Alan and Caedon stayed at the bottom to watch the bike races

Can you find our name? Hint - it is spelled wrong

Basque block in Boise

Boise State!!!

We returned home just in time for a double birthday celebration

Friday, July 6, 2012

July1st and July 4th

We celebrated my Dad's 71st Birthday up at Lake Tahoe. We had a fun time with all the cousins and our friends. The Fourth was spent with the good old bounce- house -waterslide in the backyard.

Martin showing patience as he plays catch with my mom.

Good catch mom!

How many clowns can you get in this car?

Happy Fourth of July!!