Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Days, Summer Nights

Today we had a wonderful day at Lake Tahoe. I was really happy that Stacy, Tracy, Lauren, Lindsey and Alan came along. They always help me out with Maddy and Caedon, so that I can have a little break. All the kids seem to have so much fun. Aunt Tracy built sand castles with Maddy and Maddy was thrilled to knock them down. Martin had quite the day with his friend, Andy. They went on a long bike ride and then spent the afternoon at the ballpark.  When we returned from the Lake, Martin played with Maddy in the front yard, while Caedon and I did a couple laps around the neighborhood on our bikes. Then it was time for bath, books and bed. Martin plays this silly game with Maddy. I caught it on video. Although she is screaming, it is really a squeal of joy; she absolutely loves the game.

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