Sunday, May 2, 2010

April goes out like a lion!

Another month has flown by and we are into May! The last week of April literally blew by and the gusty winds took down a beautiful evergreen in our yard. May has given us hope for better weather. Caedon played baseball and rode his bike in two races this weekend.  Unfortunately, I had to spend a large portion of my Saturday at the hospital as I was on call.  Today was quieter. After a week of snow flurries, it was a real treat  for everyone to play in the yard. Maddy continues to amuse us with her antics, new expressions and obsessions.

Here is our poor tree:
Sometimes we have trouble getting Caedon to write his words so that the letters are the same size. Who knew that chalk and some bricks would cure the problem? Pretty good printing for a kindergartner; now if we could just get him to do it that well on paper.

Maddy really likes puzzles now. We have one puzzle with shapes that recites the name of the shape when you put the piece into place. This puzzle was Caedon's and somewhere along the line the triangle piece was placed in the wrong toy bin, so it is currently missing. When you turn off the light in his room it says "triangle." Maddy loves this puzzle, but it really bothers her that the triangle is missing. Tonight she finally got fed up and decided to do the yoga move called "Downward Dog." She is demonstrating the move quite nicely. When she got bored of that she carried around her alligator purse from Aunt Tracy (yes, it is the purse from "The Lady with the Alligator Purse" - soo cute!) Finally, we got her into her PJs and she brought us her book to read.

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